Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Batman the Dark Knight hidden message

This weekend was fantastic, I spent it in Montreal with my girlfriend and some friends lazing by the pool and having a barbecue.

The next day we went to see the Dark Knight. What a great film. You know recently I've been pointing out hidden messages or things I notice in films. Well the whole hospital free medicine thing came up again in the film. Here is what I think.

1st the Joker burns all the money owned by the mob. I think the mob is a symbol of any corporate or organization that is money driven and not people driven.

In this case the health care systems or drug companies, and the mob do sell drugs.

Then, not long after, the Joker blows up Gotham hospital.

Further on in the film the corrupt cop blames rising hospital bills of her mum for her corruption.

I then did a bit of looking on the web and many other had various hidden message ideas. I then came across this site that has all sorts of interesting ideas and thoughts.


Who knows where this is going and may be I'm looking for the same things or may be the universe is pushing for a new way of thinking. One that turns the tide of people just looking out for themselves and thinking that we are better because of status or wealth.

RIP Heath Ledger you played an amazing Joker.


Friday, July 25, 2008

Something to cheer you up (generator the hollloways)

As I was walking down the road today I heard this song.


Thursday, July 24, 2008

Happy Birthday (Springsteen impression)

Today is a special day its my girlfriend's birthday. We woke and went for breakfast and champagne on Rene Levesque. When we first met in Amsterdam I asked her how I could win her heart, she sent me a list of simple things which included stuff I was already doing e.g.

Make me laugh - Check
Do an in bar snow angel - Check (yes, I really did!)
Extend a trip to stay with me in Amsterdam - Check
Always find the right words at the right moment - Check
Be romantic in simple things - Check
Make me feel great - Check
Make everything sooo easy - Check
Make me want a be a better person - Check
Help me not being scared all the time - Check
Cross an ocean to kiss me - Coming soon! (and now check because...well...I moved there!)
Do a Springsteen impression and sing me She's the one - Work in progress!

"You are almost there" she said

So yesterday I spent some time working on my gift the "BIG impression". After breakfast I walked her to work and just as we got by this beautiful Church on the hill, It has a bis stone entrance with great acoustics(i need all the help I can get) I dragged her in and sat her down for my performance. (thank god for the Champagne)It was a shaky version and I forgot the words here and there, but SHE LOVED IT.....

2 years ago I never thought I would be capable of feeling this way again, or able to think romantically. After a 10 year relationship and marriage that went wrong which caused so much pain you feel that you lose yourself and your not sure if you can come back. But you can, and you realize that you are not alone and that the sooner you can let go, forgive, stop telling your friends the same sob story etc..and then move on. The better you will be. The reason I'm telling you this is because when I did all those things and started to think about what I wanted in a relationship the universe started to do its magic, and it delivered me into the lead roll of of a love story that started in my mind.


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Albert Einstein

Reality is merely an illusion,albeit a very persistent one."

A book you may find interesting "The 4 agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

"All for one and one for all"

This morning 8:30 after dropping of my girlfriend at work, I ran up through Quebec town and on to the walled city. As a ran along the wall the city seemed really quite, the odd car here and there and not person walking in the center (i think its holiday time), it made me think of the film I am legend and how people take each other for granted. I admired the beautiful view and continued my run, I ended up running past the plains of Abraham the site of the Paul McCartney concert, it was still being dismantled 2 days after the end of the show. As I past the site i noticed the workers busy doing their job and remembered with out the team behind "SIR PAUL" we would not have concert, the lighting, the stage, the sound, the cleaners, the catering and drinks, the security, the planners, the people who thought it would be a good idea in the first place, the transport, i could go on.....point is no one is more important we just want different things. We are in this together, so I walked over to 2 men in hard hats and thanked them for a great show and, it felt odd but I'm glad I did it they thanked me for thinking of them.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Sir Paul Mcartney in Quebec

Well what a day 300,000 people descended on the plains of Abraham to see an absolute legend. Being from Liverpool and recently moving to Quebec, I thought my chances of seeing a Beatle play live was very slim, When I came to Quebec from Liverpool I remember having various Beatles tracks on my I-POD and in particular listening to Universe quite a lot, The day I meet my girlfriend in Amsterdam I was know as hay Jude by her friends, before I got here I sent my girl friend a music box from Liverpool witch played the song "I wanna hold your hand". In addition to that it seemed like everywhere I went in Quebec they were playing Beatles, restaurants, bars shops etc. Then the announcement of the GIG on the plains on the 20th the Day I was Born. So he did all the favorites Hay Jude, Elinor Rigby, Give peace a chance, Yesterday the list goes on. For me 2 stuck out Give peace a chance (as I have it tattooed on my arm) and Elinor Rigby. The point to all this is I'm on my own personal mission to make a difference and achieve my dreams, so it reminded me that if that PAUL FROM LIVERPOOL CAN DO IT, I CAN TO. Even if its in the smallest ways I'm not gonna give up and neither should you what ever it is. Just keep your eyes open and when you change the way you look at things the things you look at change.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Hancock (part 3)

Weired I finished the bit about Hancock and sat down to read,the book "wheres your WOW", right there it jumped out at me! John Hancock is the name of a company for health care/life insurance. And in the film Hancock loses his memory after getting hurt and they ask him for his John Hancock, which is were he got the name, so even the title of the film is a having a pop at the health care system. Its been pointed out in the past the US hospitals can seem to be focused on getting paid(insurance rather than giving care) Whats next Police, fire even military insurance?


Hancock part 2 (Give it all your heart )

Before i posted the first hancock blog I was looking for an all heart campaign logo for my blog, I googled "hancock all heart"

So what i saw was Herbie Hancock link on you tube.

I like Herbie Hancock so i clicked the link and I was blown away by the lyrics, take time to have a listen or read them. When I heard it I got that shiver thing down my spine. They really fit with what this blog is about.


Hancock (all heart campaign)

Last night I watched Hancock, Yes I enjoyed it. But around all the CGI special effects was a message one that I hope takes hold of you and the world. "THE ALL HEART CAMPAIGN" imagine if this became a reality, think about it. For sure GSK or other big drug companies could actually do this and it would not dent their company, FREE medicine, FREE medicine, FREE treatment, in the places that really need it. They made profits of 7.8 Billion in 2007. While some poor countries go without vital medicines in the long run this shortsighted vision will effect the world on a global scale. (see Guardian link below)



Saturday, July 19, 2008

Light is energy

Light is a funny thing we only see it in the form that we can understand, make sense of. But light is energy. For a while now at key times I get rainbows appearing and they act like a booster for me if I feel down or a reminder to keep believing in what I'm doing at that time, or just a beautiful backdrop to a romantic moment. The point is for a while I have been looking at them in a different way, to positive effect.


Thoughts become reality?

How many times do you suddenly have an idea! Where did it come from? then you do nothing and it goes away…or so you think. Believe me the fact that you thought it means that it became alive it went in to the ether, like an spark of electricity waiting to be switched one, and if others are thinking similar or the same then sure enough you will soon see your idea as a manifestation. There have been many occasions when people have thought about things, created ideas, only to see others bring them to light. My point is it doesn’t matter if you want to do it yourself or not, it’s the fact that thoughts may be enough to start a process and collective thoughts even more powerful.

There are many who believe that if you truly focus on one thing for more than 45 seconds then you have started the potential for it to manifest its self into being.

Friday, July 18, 2008


Ok I've not stepped out the house today and I just took a short moment on the balcony to get some fresh air. I know its superficial but since a young lad I've wanted a Porsche and in those short moments on the balcony the only car to drive down the road was a brand new Porsche. So what I'm trying to achieve each day and for my long term goals will allow freedom and who knows if I will actually do get a Porsche, but I want to have that choice if I so desire. The passing car was symbolic. Thank you for the message

Todays little messages

Ok while writing the blog I will always try and point out the serendipity, or event, message the I get each day. Today I ended up watching a film I don't usually do this on a Friday afternoon as I'm usually working so I picked one from a selection and not only did I love it but the same message came to me again that I got 4 days ago in a book, and the same message showed up 2 days ago while flicking through a magazine. I just stopped randomly on a page and there it was. "Believe"

For me this is important right now as I'm embarking on a huge task to build an amazing company that is going to be very successful and make a difference.


Peter Pan

Today I watched "Finding Neverland", fortunately my girl friend had gone out and she missed the inevitable tears of joy and sadness that this film causes. If you haven't seen it, its a story about JM Barrie (creator of Peter Pan) and how he came up with the idea. I have no idea of how true to life the story is or not,(and I don't care) the fact is for me this film highlights several things, its a reminder not to forget our inner child, that life is short, and if you are creative to keep going until you find the environment that allows you to best flourish and grow those talents and dreams, in the film he had the support of the wealthy Theater owner and needed a chance meeting with a family to give him the inspiration that led to the writing of Peter Pan. All too often we fear sharing our early ideas of poems, business ideas, songs, paintings, films, games etc in case people don't like them or we get a bad reaction, well that may happen but somewhere like Barrie you will find the people who will help you grow.

Like in the film life consistently presents itself with opportunities to enable us to make our dreams come true, we just need to open our eyes and bee aware of them.
When you change the way you look at things the things you look at change.