if I go back over my life there are so many occasions where things have happened and at the time you think this is not good, or why is this happening.
Well at some point in the future you may be able to look back and put the pieces together. And when you track back to the good things in life often they started out at not so good beginnings. This could be a sign of the laws of attraction in play. For instance you ask or desire something in your life and the only route to that happening for you at that point in your life was a journey though something that was not so pleasant. It may well also be that you really needed that experience to grow and learn from.
However you choose to look at things It's sad if you add your own personal pain and suffering to the one that life is dealing you. Its like a double blow life deals you a bad card and then you add to it by the way you perceive your situation at the time. It does you no good whatsoever, if we can learn to understand how to deal with situations better by shitting our perspective on things may be we can get through them quicker?

I had saved enough money to buy a plane ticket to the California to visit my Aunt and Uncle. I stayed for 3 weeks and few days before I was due to come home I had an accident that resulted in a very serious break both bones in the leg were almost sticking out of the skin, and my foot was facing the wrong way. All I could think about was my football and I tried to convince myself that I had just sprained my ankle.
Anyway a couple of months later the milk man I worked crashed his milk van crushing the passenger area where I would have been. Who knows what could have happened, the good thing was there was no chance of me being there on the account of my leg. No one was seriously hurt or needed to go to hospital. This completely changed my life and lead me towards my successful music career. At the time I broke it an up until the point of the crash I added to the pain by going over things in my head what if this what if that I missed my big chance etc..etc...it sucked but on reflection thank god.
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