I recently watched the film Iron man and I loved it. It made me remember what a great job film makers, musicians and other artists do. They try to evoke emotions or tell stories and for that I thank them.
Before I watched Ironman I had no idea about the storyline...(which is how I like it sometimes)
Anyway in the film they introduce a storyline that makes people think about possible reactions to their actions.(causality)In this case its Tony Stark a designer of advanced weapons of mass destruction. Funny thing is he gets a taste of his own medicine before he realizes that maybe what he is doing ant that good.
It made me think about the number of times that people myself included actually need a family member to die, or them to be effected directly before they actually start to think about other people. I'm not saying this to have a go at anyone I'm just trying to understand if we are disconnected from society that it takes an event to bring us together.
A friend of mine wrote a story called the real world which uses this subject matter. He points out that we tend to go about daily routine without noticing our fellow humans around us.
So my question is ? whats the pain level we need in our life for us to start to think about others outside of our immediate situation or family and friends.
Or do some of us get inspired by the arts? I suppose we do I can think of a string of films that have had a great impact on me. Its all well and good thinking but at what point do we act?
So thanks to the Artists, musicians, film makers, TV writers, Play writers who all make us think.
Just remember next time you experience one of the above ask yourself are they trying to say something?
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