Sunday, October 26, 2008

Being John Malcovitch

Every wanted to be someone else?


You think your not smart, you think your ugly, you hate your life, you have no friends, your not sure what want to do with yourself etc....etc...poor you!

Look however your feeling right now your not alone there are millions who go through the same thing and many go through some terrible experiences in life and triumph in the face of tragedy.

Fact is you can do something about it or go on living the same pain, and for sure so many people who go through this will tell you they never thought they could get out of the way they were feeling or turn their life around. Then you ask them what happened and they tell you they are happy and the experience taught them a lot.

So I'm going to use the film being John Malcovich to point out that often we have little self belief. This is a major problem in moving forwards. In this film the puppeteer believed that he needed to be someone else before he could become successful. When really he wasn't John Malcovich at all he just looked like him. He became successful because his perception of self changed and once that changed then others also changed their perception.

Start with yourself.....change the way you look at things then the things you look at change. Look in the mirror and love yourself....its O.K

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Love Thy Robot

Cuddling up on the sofa with some popcorn and taking in a full series of the Sara Conner Chronicles got me thinking about Love....well robot love actually.

First of all its a very well done and true to Terminator 1 & 2 same style, number 3 we all want to forget about, so worth a watch.

Some thoughts I had.

Based on our current progress with technology its only a matter of time before we will get to the stage of very intelligent Robots similar to that of today's sci-fi. So knowing what we already know about intelligence and self replication and that robots could become self aware and want to have rights and be treated a certain way are we prepared to accept this or have a potential battle on our hands?

The thing is at this stage we have difficulty in accepting each other....stupidly skin colour, religious beliefs, sexual preference, nationality, region or even sports team preference all make some people hate. So some humans are not treated well or given the same rights as others. You know the story.

So lets imagine that robots will end up looking so life like and they learn to understand our emotions and could live in your house and become a friend and be indistinguishable from a human. You would not know any difference.

Is our brain dissimilar from a computer?

Are we not just the result of millions of years of programing?

Some say our body is just a machine, a vessel

What makes us human? is it our soul?

We already use animal parts for transplants, and we use mechanical parts as well, and some have even implanted electronics into the body. For sure this practice will increase the more we learn to understand the functions of body and mind.

Why after creating and allowing the process to evolve over many years would we not allow HUMAN rights for robots. OK you may say they can not reproduce so they can not sustain life. However they can rebuild, replicate, and their programing could be designed in such a way that allows them to "SIM" simulate the DNA variations that humans display.

So if you only believe in Darwinian evolution. What makes them different from us?

I look forward to seeing how robotics develops and see if we are really prepared to open that door.

Robot Laws

1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
2. A robot must obey orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Ironman Have a heart

I recently watched the film Iron man and I loved it. It made me remember what a great job film makers, musicians and other artists do. They try to evoke emotions or tell stories and for that I thank them.

Before I watched Ironman I had no idea about the storyline...(which is how I like it sometimes)

Anyway in the film they introduce a storyline that makes people think about possible reactions to their actions.(causality)In this case its Tony Stark a designer of advanced weapons of mass destruction. Funny thing is he gets a taste of his own medicine before he realizes that maybe what he is doing ant that good.

It made me think about the number of times that people myself included actually need a family member to die, or them to be effected directly before they actually start to think about other people. I'm not saying this to have a go at anyone I'm just trying to understand if we are disconnected from society that it takes an event to bring us together.

A friend of mine wrote a story called the real world which uses this subject matter. He points out that we tend to go about daily routine without noticing our fellow humans around us.

So my question is ? whats the pain level we need in our life for us to start to think about others outside of our immediate situation or family and friends.

Or do some of us get inspired by the arts? I suppose we do I can think of a string of films that have had a great impact on me. Its all well and good thinking but at what point do we act?

So thanks to the Artists, musicians, film makers, TV writers, Play writers who all make us think.

Just remember next time you experience one of the above ask yourself are they trying to say something?

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

invincible "Music for the Mind"

Follow through
Make your dreams come true
Don't give up the fight
You will be all right
Cause there's no one like you
In the universe

Don't be afraid
What your mind conceives
You should make a stand
Stand up for what you believe
And tonight we can truly say
Together we're invincible

Monday, October 6, 2008

Power of positive thought and the laws of attraction

Well as you may or may not know I'm into renewable energy and have a passion for making a difference in the world. Its one of 4 main focuses which are:-



Education/Arts development


So far my main focus has been on Energy and I wanted to let you know since I put some focus on that people have come into my life to support that focus. So once again I tell you whatever it is you want to achieve start with the PHRASE I BELIEVE....sorry about the rhyming stuff I just like to rhyme.

Don't think for 1 minute I believe that you can just think about stuff and its all going to be done for you......oh no that's not the way it works....for start that would be the worst game ever it would be no fun and you would learn nothing.

So once you believe then you must start to think about how to make your plan work. Who do you talk to what do you do? what books, magazines can I read what must I learn, who will help me. You must have an idea of what you want and where you want to be at the end of the journey or you make it difficult for yourself. Then go out there and the universe will answer the people you need will come into your life just make sure you talk to people and give yourself the chance.