Monday, October 6, 2008

Power of positive thought and the laws of attraction

Well as you may or may not know I'm into renewable energy and have a passion for making a difference in the world. Its one of 4 main focuses which are:-



Education/Arts development


So far my main focus has been on Energy and I wanted to let you know since I put some focus on that people have come into my life to support that focus. So once again I tell you whatever it is you want to achieve start with the PHRASE I BELIEVE....sorry about the rhyming stuff I just like to rhyme.

Don't think for 1 minute I believe that you can just think about stuff and its all going to be done for you......oh no that's not the way it works....for start that would be the worst game ever it would be no fun and you would learn nothing.

So once you believe then you must start to think about how to make your plan work. Who do you talk to what do you do? what books, magazines can I read what must I learn, who will help me. You must have an idea of what you want and where you want to be at the end of the journey or you make it difficult for yourself. Then go out there and the universe will answer the people you need will come into your life just make sure you talk to people and give yourself the chance.

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