On a basic level everything we see around us is energy and is moving constantly, nothing ever disappears it justs changes form.
All things are made from Atoms in different forms. All things could be considered living?
So what if at the start we had no forms or things just pure energy flowing and we had this collective thought which allowed us to communicate and BE(exist) in a way which is incomprehensible to us in this present day.>

Then at some point the collective thought it would be very cool to have another way of existing one in which things, and forms existed. As you can imagine this was a new idea and they had to start somewhere so how was it going to take shape?
Well like any project the first attempts won't always pan out.
And may be thats why we have multiverse theory in todays world.
So lets assume we finally got our act together and did a great job on a universe that we were happy with it's filled with planets and the only one I can relate to at this time is Earth so thats what I will talk about. Its probably one of the ones that the collective(the one) were very proud of after all its such a beautiful planet. So thanks. May be they had some award ceremony for best planet, or best new planet, you know like MTV. And this years most gaseous planet is.....sorry I digress.
Anyway the beings that the collective could project into manifestations of themselves were the early forms of life. From here they developed their ideas and ways of interacting with other.
You have to realize that in the beginnings of earth all this way of living was new to us and it was fun to be a blob of something. Know one had ever been a blob of something, then of course like today we always want something new, a new experience a new wave to ride. So the next time the new ideas come into play and new beings are little more advanced that last time. Jump a head and repeat this process you have what we call Evolution.
Before you know it grunting was not working for us and language was born and we had to forget that telepathic shit as this world did not have that understanding or desire to have such a power. The struggle of not understanding each other and not knowing what each other was thinking was such a breath of fresh AIR.....Ahhhh!
So all this energy was manifesting itself in different ways and improvements where happening at sometimes incredible rates that some would say it looked like outside help was at work.
And here we are now at a stage where people are really starting to push the boundaries and think outside of the BOX so to speak.
So what if in all this manifestation some have now realized whats actually going on. at least have some sort of idea. Enough of an idea to use this. For all we know we could have been trying to achieve this for million and millions of years. There may be some disconnection after your born and for millions and millions of years we have been trying to get to some sort of level that hat makes the whole game even more interesting. Why you ask........because you are supposedly here to have a good life, or what would be the point. Well you could arguee that some are here to not have a good life and they like the troubles that happen to them, I don't know but after all we are all different, but I say this to you just know what you want, even if its on a basic level.
I will probably come back to this theroy and have a bit of fun with it, any one got any comments or thoughts on this it would be interesting.