OK its late at night I'm asleep and REM is doing its thing! that rapid EYE stuff not the BAND.
My dream starts to go from the nonsense & weirdness that I insist on sharing with my girlfriend then next day to clear numbers jumping out at me I can only tell you that this incredible feeling came over me it was all so clear the defining number being 38 as the dream camera zoomed in to this one in cartoon fashion, i think this was to help with the recalling of the numbers. Anyway of course I did not wake up right away....it was not going to be that easy. So i wake in the morning and it hits me in the face the dream i had gave me 6 clear numbers 38 was the anchor.....
Next came 35 so I had 2 and I new that 2 others are for sure in the 40's, and the remaining numbers 1 is in from 1 to 10 and 1 from 20 to 30.
At this time I did not really take anything seriously at all. So I guessed that it was 5 or 7 that seemed right and 21 I was sure of. So I went for 48 and 45 really I should have just done a few combinations to make sure.
5 21 35 38 45 48 my numbers
Now I had just been in Quebec CANADA for 2 weeks and had fell in love with my girl friend and we had cooked up this great plan to get involved in a project we loved and we needed a couple of million dollars to do it. So winning the lottery was sure gonna help. How good would that be?
So I went online an purchased a ticket for the United Kingdom lottery and thought you never know.
SO the draw came up the next day and I went online to check
NOT ONE NUMBER!!!!!! i felt like an idiot the dream felt so real and clear
my curiosity got the better and then a thought! My girlfriend told me that she used to work for the lottery in Quebec so I asked her for the website......I was really not sure if I wanted to look.
Well you know the rest I won 8,000,000 in my sleep but played the wrong lottery.
You have to laugh.......I'm rich in soooo many other ways, but I can see that the universe was trying to help me get where I was going quicker or teach me a lesson not sure yet!
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