Saturday the weather is beautiful day. Where do I go? The park to just relax in the sun. Sounds like a good idea. The Park I'm going to is very large and many places to lay down my towel and rest. I pick my spot and lie there in the sun just letting the world pass me by.
As I'm doing this I start to get flashed of inspiration for film ideas so I take out my pen and start writing the words just flow and the ideas are great, one develops a bit more than the other so I work with that and I now have the summary of a great story. One day I will turn this into a film or book or something.
For now though I have my focus. I'm telling you this because last year I never actually believed that I would ever make a film. It was just a fantasy thought that it would be cool. Now though I know anything is possible and I can pretty much do or achieve anything I want to, and you can to.
Ok So I'm laying there and the sound of this voice carries in the wind almost floating around my ears the tone and rhythm is enchanting and I need to listen in to what is being said, the voice was calming and had a strange familiarity to it.
So I make my way up the hill and sit behind the 3 people talking 2 guys and girl and tried my best to listen in. I kept catching different bits of very poetic speech the way they where describing events was quite amazing. Out of body experiences were the topic and I think something to do with light and meditation. Of course this is going to interest me. And what are the chances that I would lay next to a group of people on this subject out of all the park. Ok some people would put a figure on it i.e 3 or 4000-1 but so what. The thing was I could not hear properly and the bench right next to them was occupied by a lady reading a book. I wish she would move.
Then funnily enough the most beautiful butterfly I have ever seen in real life just flew past me in the most graceful manner, its wings were very large it looked like a bird. (remember the story butterfly effect) So like a child or homer Simpson I jumped up and followed it to its resting place. There I found it on a plant next to its partner or friend. I arrived back to my bench only to notice the woman had gone so I slipped on to the bench next to them to listen in.
Wow there stories where amazing. I listened in while the 45 year old man told of how since he was a child he had the power to see energy around people chakras aura or what ever you want to call it. He had also seen souls or life force or people having these out of body experiences. He also told of a time that he had spent a week completley removed from his body, his two flat mates were present all the time and said he was acting strange for the whole week. The 45 year old man finally came back but had no recollection of the week in the apartment what so ever.
It was like he had been in two places at once. I did read a story last year in the NEW SCIENTIST about a Quantum theory saying that it was possible to me in two places at once so its interesting to here first hand stories of something that could be explained by such a theory. Or there could be many other explanations, the fact is you should take what ever positive you can from the story.
We are amazing beings and if you are aware of something called source energy and the law of attraction then you may have read or heard that we are all supposed to be connected to this source energy together. So I want to just quickly tell you about the other story the man told.
He was young and his family had taken him to church one day and the priest(religious speaker not sure of his title)was taking about the sins you commit and trying to scare the life out of people with the fact you will go to hell and all many of things would happen to you. The man went on to say that as the priest was doing this all the colour of his Aura drained right from him to a pale grey, this could be because he was disconnecting him self from the source or that the energy he was giving out was very negative I'm not sure but the it happened through the eyes of this man he saw it.
On that note I did always struggle with the way that some priests, vicars or religious speakers spoke of god as this person who would bring great pain into the lives of people that he created by sending them to HELL or punishing them in other ways. Do you think the all loving god would actually do this kind of thing. The light the truth, would actually give up on any soul.
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