Sometimes in life its how you look at things
Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change
Monday, December 1, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Walk a Mile in my shoes
If I could be you, if you could be me
For just one hour, if we could find a way
To get inside each others mind
If you could see you through my eyes
Instead your own ego I believe youd be
I believe youd be surprised to see
That youve been blind
Walk a mile in my shoes
Just walk a mile in my shoes
Before you abuse, criticize and accuse
Then walk a mile in my shoes
Now if we spend the day
Throwin stones at one another
cause I dont think, cause I dont think
Or wear my hair the same way you do
Well, I may be common people
But Im your brother
And when you strike out
Youre tryin to hurt me
Its hurtin you, lord how mercy
Now there are people on reservations
And out in the ghetto
And brother there, but, for the grace of god
Go you and i,
If I only had wings of a little angel
Dont you know, Id fly
To the top of a mountain
And then Id cry, cry, cry
For just one hour, if we could find a way
To get inside each others mind
If you could see you through my eyes
Instead your own ego I believe youd be
I believe youd be surprised to see
That youve been blind
Walk a mile in my shoes
Just walk a mile in my shoes
Before you abuse, criticize and accuse
Then walk a mile in my shoes
Now if we spend the day
Throwin stones at one another
cause I dont think, cause I dont think
Or wear my hair the same way you do
Well, I may be common people
But Im your brother
And when you strike out
Youre tryin to hurt me
Its hurtin you, lord how mercy
Now there are people on reservations
And out in the ghetto
And brother there, but, for the grace of god
Go you and i,
If I only had wings of a little angel
Dont you know, Id fly
To the top of a mountain
And then Id cry, cry, cry
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Don't have expectations?
Fact is in life we all at some point develop expectations. You pull up to red traffic lights and you expect them to change to green, you get into a lift and you expect it will take you to another floor. You flick a light switch and expect the room to be filled with light, you turn on the tap and believe you will see water flow.
The unfortunate thing is, that in all those cases above sometimes those things don't happen.
They happen for a reason.......cause and effect.....
The unfortunate thing is, that in all those cases above sometimes those things don't happen.
They happen for a reason.......cause and effect.....
cause and effect
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Being John Malcovitch

Every wanted to be someone else?
You think your not smart, you think your ugly, you hate your life, you have no friends, your not sure what want to do with yourself etc....etc...poor you!
Look however your feeling right now your not alone there are millions who go through the same thing and many go through some terrible experiences in life and triumph in the face of tragedy.
Fact is you can do something about it or go on living the same pain, and for sure so many people who go through this will tell you they never thought they could get out of the way they were feeling or turn their life around. Then you ask them what happened and they tell you they are happy and the experience taught them a lot.
So I'm going to use the film being John Malcovich to point out that often we have little self belief. This is a major problem in moving forwards. In this film the puppeteer believed that he needed to be someone else before he could become successful. When really he wasn't John Malcovich at all he just looked like him. He became successful because his perception of self changed and once that changed then others also changed their perception.
Start with yourself.....change the way you look at things then the things you look at change. Look in the mirror and love yourself....its O.K
being john malcovich,
Positve thought,
self belief
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Love Thy Robot

Cuddling up on the sofa with some popcorn and taking in a full series of the Sara Conner Chronicles got me thinking about Love....well robot love actually.
First of all its a very well done and true to Terminator 1 & 2 same style, number 3 we all want to forget about, so worth a watch.
Some thoughts I had.
Based on our current progress with technology its only a matter of time before we will get to the stage of very intelligent Robots similar to that of today's sci-fi. So knowing what we already know about intelligence and self replication and that robots could become self aware and want to have rights and be treated a certain way are we prepared to accept this or have a potential battle on our hands?
The thing is at this stage we have difficulty in accepting each other....stupidly skin colour, religious beliefs, sexual preference, nationality, region or even sports team preference all make some people hate. So some humans are not treated well or given the same rights as others. You know the story.
So lets imagine that robots will end up looking so life like and they learn to understand our emotions and could live in your house and become a friend and be indistinguishable from a human. You would not know any difference.
Is our brain dissimilar from a computer?
Are we not just the result of millions of years of programing?
Some say our body is just a machine, a vessel
What makes us human? is it our soul?
We already use animal parts for transplants, and we use mechanical parts as well, and some have even implanted electronics into the body. For sure this practice will increase the more we learn to understand the functions of body and mind.
Why after creating and allowing the process to evolve over many years would we not allow HUMAN rights for robots. OK you may say they can not reproduce so they can not sustain life. However they can rebuild, replicate, and their programing could be designed in such a way that allows them to "SIM" simulate the DNA variations that humans display.
So if you only believe in Darwinian evolution. What makes them different from us?
I look forward to seeing how robotics develops and see if we are really prepared to open that door.
Robot Laws
1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
2. A robot must obey orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Ironman Have a heart

I recently watched the film Iron man and I loved it. It made me remember what a great job film makers, musicians and other artists do. They try to evoke emotions or tell stories and for that I thank them.
Before I watched Ironman I had no idea about the storyline...(which is how I like it sometimes)
Anyway in the film they introduce a storyline that makes people think about possible reactions to their actions.(causality)In this case its Tony Stark a designer of advanced weapons of mass destruction. Funny thing is he gets a taste of his own medicine before he realizes that maybe what he is doing ant that good.
It made me think about the number of times that people myself included actually need a family member to die, or them to be effected directly before they actually start to think about other people. I'm not saying this to have a go at anyone I'm just trying to understand if we are disconnected from society that it takes an event to bring us together.
A friend of mine wrote a story called the real world which uses this subject matter. He points out that we tend to go about daily routine without noticing our fellow humans around us.
So my question is ? whats the pain level we need in our life for us to start to think about others outside of our immediate situation or family and friends.
Or do some of us get inspired by the arts? I suppose we do I can think of a string of films that have had a great impact on me. Its all well and good thinking but at what point do we act?
So thanks to the Artists, musicians, film makers, TV writers, Play writers who all make us think.
Just remember next time you experience one of the above ask yourself are they trying to say something?
less war,
Messeages in films,
Robert downey Jr,
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
invincible "Music for the Mind"
Follow through
Make your dreams come true
Don't give up the fight
You will be all right
Cause there's no one like you
In the universe
Don't be afraid
What your mind conceives
You should make a stand
Stand up for what you believe
And tonight we can truly say
Together we're invincible
Positve thought
Monday, October 6, 2008
Power of positive thought and the laws of attraction
Well as you may or may not know I'm into renewable energy and have a passion for making a difference in the world. Its one of 4 main focuses which are:-
Education/Arts development
So far my main focus has been on Energy and I wanted to let you know since I put some focus on that people have come into my life to support that focus. So once again I tell you whatever it is you want to achieve start with the PHRASE I BELIEVE....sorry about the rhyming stuff I just like to rhyme.
Don't think for 1 minute I believe that you can just think about stuff and its all going to be done for you......oh no that's not the way it works....for start that would be the worst game ever it would be no fun and you would learn nothing.
So once you believe then you must start to think about how to make your plan work. Who do you talk to what do you do? what books, magazines can I read what must I learn, who will help me. You must have an idea of what you want and where you want to be at the end of the journey or you make it difficult for yourself. Then go out there and the universe will answer the people you need will come into your life just make sure you talk to people and give yourself the chance.
Education/Arts development
So far my main focus has been on Energy and I wanted to let you know since I put some focus on that people have come into my life to support that focus. So once again I tell you whatever it is you want to achieve start with the PHRASE I BELIEVE....sorry about the rhyming stuff I just like to rhyme.
Don't think for 1 minute I believe that you can just think about stuff and its all going to be done for you......oh no that's not the way it works....for start that would be the worst game ever it would be no fun and you would learn nothing.
So once you believe then you must start to think about how to make your plan work. Who do you talk to what do you do? what books, magazines can I read what must I learn, who will help me. You must have an idea of what you want and where you want to be at the end of the journey or you make it difficult for yourself. Then go out there and the universe will answer the people you need will come into your life just make sure you talk to people and give yourself the chance.
laws of attraction,
Positve thought
Monday, September 29, 2008
how much would you sell your friends and family for?

A quick will never see ads on this blog all the story's are meant to just pass on some stuff that happened that may help someone else......It a message given from the heart.
If you read through the may just get something positive from it......sometimes it comes out in riddles and sometimes its plain as English......I write because i need to empty my head its therapeutic and I hope that it helps someone else.
Tonight excuse my wine induced waffle but I wrote this post because I was listening to music while thinking about a video I want to make. first it was Razorlight America then Bob Marley buffalo soldier. This thought came to mind.
People are the most important thing to me in the world........nothing else matters.......without people I'm alone and so are you. So the sooner we get together the better....stop the fear stop being so scared...its OK......we will be OK, as long as we do something, nothing is set in stone, its all just possibilities, ......we are not that different but we are so different (another riddle) sorry but it makes sense......ask yourself this.......what do you really want.......if you think you know then imagine yourself there and see if it makes you feel happy. Its the feeling that will guide you.
Its makes me wonder if there is such a thing as a selfless act?
humans in the future,
the secret
Saturday, September 27, 2008
TRY TRY again

Well this week has had its up and downs. A bit like the current world financial situation. Fact is you need the low to appreciate the high.
The balance is always good but how much fun would life be if we were always balanced?
Its more about learning that the lows will come and developing coping skills to pull yourself out of the low.
This could be personal or business. Fact is take some time to reflect on the low learn from it then know that you will rise again and fight for what ever it is. Don't let the low consume you. You are in control.
Its times like this that you need to look out for those signs. They could be songs or and out of the blue call or the smallest detail in nature. Whatever it is you are never alone you are meant to get through it.
As they say in life what don;t kill you only makes you stronger.
The only sad thing is this week is that my friends dad can not say that......he is going to die it will kill him. So I say a little prayer for him and hope that the whatever time he has left is as good as he can get.
Make the most of now, be thankful for what you have.
Peace x
coping skills,
high and lows
Friday, September 19, 2008
Bring a little RANDOMNESS into your life

Ok sometimes the best way to get a message or receive some guidance is to act Random.
Put your IPOD on shuffle, go to places you would never normally go, change your favorite spots, get lost. Get a new experience, new stimulus come alive......
When you are searching for answers....ask for a sign ask for direction make it in your thoughts and like always the universe will deliver....100% always without will deliver....just keep your eyes open and let it in to your life.
The reason I say be random or do stuff you don't usually do is because its much easier to notice the signs and feel the direction when you do this.
The direction can come in many forms but it will hit you when it does. You could also read the Celestine prophecies that may interest you.
Hope it helps. It did for me.
Music for the Mind (Damien Rice) Coconut Skins
I have heard this song a few times but this time it came on my ipod while I was running. I was thinking about my efforts to assist the project with the end of I'm gonna achieve my goals within the game industry what do I do after that when I have the success. It was a beautiful day and I was running towards the citadel.
So many things going through my mind all the ifs buts and may be's and then this song came on just as I got towards the bottom of the hill I had so many stairs to run up and then a grass hill to get to the top. Its a place I had never been before but this day I just went there. To me the song reminded me to just get on with it....follow my heart as there is no time like the present you don't want to die and think I did nothing to help. "I didn't even try" that would be sad. So I'm still licking and cooking coconuts and hanging out.
The thing is when I got to the top of the hill the view was truly breathtaking and I really did appreciate it.
Damien performs on Jools Holland
So many things going through my mind all the ifs buts and may be's and then this song came on just as I got towards the bottom of the hill I had so many stairs to run up and then a grass hill to get to the top. Its a place I had never been before but this day I just went there. To me the song reminded me to just get on with it....follow my heart as there is no time like the present you don't want to die and think I did nothing to help. "I didn't even try" that would be sad. So I'm still licking and cooking coconuts and hanging out.
The thing is when I got to the top of the hill the view was truly breathtaking and I really did appreciate it.
Damien performs on Jools Holland
coconut skins,
damien rice,
natural beauty,
Thursday, September 18, 2008
14th October 2008 manifestation of ?

I am hearing and seeing a lot stuff about the date the 14th October 2008.
Apprently this date will produce a world event, the event being a manifestation of a very large craft that will stay for 2 to 3 days.
O.K I'm skeptical as to weather or not a mother ship as seen in Independence day will suddenly appear on that day.
However thinkitseeit is all about exploring manifestations and the laws of attraction, the bizarreness of all things Quantum etc....
Collective Consciousness
So may be if enough people actually do believe this then something will manifest itself. It may not come in the form of a big ship that may just be a metaphor. But who knows nothing is set in stone
14th october 2008,
huamans in the future,
spirtual beings,
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The great thing about being able to think
To philosophize,
To discuss,
To Challenge,
Is that you will make progress!
Allow your self time in your day or week to think and develop your ideas, the brain works like a pond.....drop a stone in to a calm pond and ripples develop.
Those ripples start at the point the stone hits the water but end up reaching far out.
Remember to thinkit see it you must give it attention
Monday, September 15, 2008
Electric Car follow up story.
A good video which gets across the vision.
I have started a Facebook group the link is below
I'm trying to get 10 million names for a petition. All help will be appreciated.
Thank You
I have started a Facebook group the link is below
I'm trying to get 10 million names for a petition. All help will be appreciated.
Thank You
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Music for the Mind (KT Tunstle the Prayer)
I will try and do more of these I'm just finding my way with this blog so I don;t always remember the music elements of the laws of attraction. Every think that songs are talking directly to you at that moment? of course it happens to everyone.
bloc party,
kt tunstle,
the prayer
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
The End of Oil (as we know it)

The end of Oil
Ok by now you may or may not be aware that among other things I’m really interested in renewable energy and energy policies. Part of the reason I do the things I do is to get my self in a position to make a difference in areas like this. I recently read a story in Wired magazine (16.09) the future of the electric Car. You should read this even if you are not interested in the energy crisis (which is pretty hard not to be if you are human as our existence is threatened by it)
Why read this story? Because once aging it shows you that one person can make a difference and that you can achieve anything. I believe it also shows signs of the laws of attraction at work. The man in the story had no prior knowledge of energy policies or any Automotive experience what so ever but has convinced people to invest over 400 million dollars and got 2 major countries on board to completely revolutionize the world of motor transport. This guy has the ears of major government leaders it all happened in the space of 12 months. To add to that I think he is actually gonna pull it off.
I am going to further investigate this company and their plan and if all is good I’m going to do everything I can to help.
Think about it this actually has the chance of working the difference this will make is incredible. It’s some of the most exciting news I have ever heard in regards to energy policies and projects.
Good Luck Shai Agassi and Thank You
Monday, September 8, 2008
Attracted to Energy (renewable energy that is)

Well of course it did here are a few.
1)A chance meeting with a set of entrepreneurs who have launched a new reneable energy company that can grow product that can be burnt clean. I met them at a rock concert.
2)In a cafe waiting for my girlfriend to have her hair cut and 2 children run in to the coffee shop stair at me then start speaking French to me and the women next to me they hang around for a bit then I say to the woman I thought they where your children and she says I thought they were yours. Then I find out that she works for the government and is tasked with developing a strategy and policies for clean energy across the whole of Quebec and to assist with ideas to education children about recycling and energy.
Of course I exchanged contact details with these people and I will help them in any way I can.
One very important rule is always ask people what they are doing and think about the connections don’t feel silly in any way, be interested and you may be able to help them and who knows they may be able to help you.
On a side note to show how powerful this law is in the same cafe I met the woman working at the government I met another who works for the city and she offered to help me with grants and setting up offices and any other city related help I needed to set up my new business.
Friday, September 5, 2008
SHIT HAPPENS ----- for a reason?

if I go back over my life there are so many occasions where things have happened and at the time you think this is not good, or why is this happening.
Well at some point in the future you may be able to look back and put the pieces together. And when you track back to the good things in life often they started out at not so good beginnings. This could be a sign of the laws of attraction in play. For instance you ask or desire something in your life and the only route to that happening for you at that point in your life was a journey though something that was not so pleasant. It may well also be that you really needed that experience to grow and learn from.
However you choose to look at things It's sad if you add your own personal pain and suffering to the one that life is dealing you. Its like a double blow life deals you a bad card and then you add to it by the way you perceive your situation at the time. It does you no good whatsoever, if we can learn to understand how to deal with situations better by shitting our perspective on things may be we can get through them quicker?

I had saved enough money to buy a plane ticket to the California to visit my Aunt and Uncle. I stayed for 3 weeks and few days before I was due to come home I had an accident that resulted in a very serious break both bones in the leg were almost sticking out of the skin, and my foot was facing the wrong way. All I could think about was my football and I tried to convince myself that I had just sprained my ankle.
Anyway a couple of months later the milk man I worked crashed his milk van crushing the passenger area where I would have been. Who knows what could have happened, the good thing was there was no chance of me being there on the account of my leg. No one was seriously hurt or needed to go to hospital. This completely changed my life and lead me towards my successful music career. At the time I broke it an up until the point of the crash I added to the pain by going over things in my head what if this what if that I missed my big chance sucked but on reflection thank god.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
The meaning of life.......MANIFESTATION?

On a basic level everything we see around us is energy and is moving constantly, nothing ever disappears it justs changes form.
All things are made from Atoms in different forms. All things could be considered living?
So what if at the start we had no forms or things just pure energy flowing and we had this collective thought which allowed us to communicate and BE(exist) in a way which is incomprehensible to us in this present day.>

Then at some point the collective thought it would be very cool to have another way of existing one in which things, and forms existed. As you can imagine this was a new idea and they had to start somewhere so how was it going to take shape?
Well like any project the first attempts won't always pan out.
And may be thats why we have multiverse theory in todays world.
So lets assume we finally got our act together and did a great job on a universe that we were happy with it's filled with planets and the only one I can relate to at this time is Earth so thats what I will talk about. Its probably one of the ones that the collective(the one) were very proud of after all its such a beautiful planet. So thanks. May be they had some award ceremony for best planet, or best new planet, you know like MTV. And this years most gaseous planet is.....sorry I digress.
Anyway the beings that the collective could project into manifestations of themselves were the early forms of life. From here they developed their ideas and ways of interacting with other.
You have to realize that in the beginnings of earth all this way of living was new to us and it was fun to be a blob of something. Know one had ever been a blob of something, then of course like today we always want something new, a new experience a new wave to ride. So the next time the new ideas come into play and new beings are little more advanced that last time. Jump a head and repeat this process you have what we call Evolution.
Before you know it grunting was not working for us and language was born and we had to forget that telepathic shit as this world did not have that understanding or desire to have such a power. The struggle of not understanding each other and not knowing what each other was thinking was such a breath of fresh AIR.....Ahhhh!
So all this energy was manifesting itself in different ways and improvements where happening at sometimes incredible rates that some would say it looked like outside help was at work.
And here we are now at a stage where people are really starting to push the boundaries and think outside of the BOX so to speak.
So what if in all this manifestation some have now realized whats actually going on. at least have some sort of idea. Enough of an idea to use this. For all we know we could have been trying to achieve this for million and millions of years. There may be some disconnection after your born and for millions and millions of years we have been trying to get to some sort of level that hat makes the whole game even more interesting. Why you ask........because you are supposedly here to have a good life, or what would be the point. Well you could arguee that some are here to not have a good life and they like the troubles that happen to them, I don't know but after all we are all different, but I say this to you just know what you want, even if its on a basic level.
I will probably come back to this theroy and have a bit of fun with it, any one got any comments or thoughts on this it would be interesting.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Bread and Butter

Perception or reality scroll down

Reality or perception
How we see things in life can have a big impact on us as individuals and as people across the globe.
This has been the case in wars, the rise and fall of economies, popularity of celebrity or politician etc.
Everyday we are bombarded with news! A lot of it seems to bad news. So we must live in a terrible world that gets worse by the day and its all doom and gloom.
No! actually right now Humans are the least violent we have ever been! The world is not as bad as your lead to believe.
Of course we are made aware of problems from global warming, war, poverty and the energy crisis etc etc. The beautiful thing is there are people sitting in a room somewhere right now working on SOLUTIONS for us HUMANS on a one to one level and on a global scale, solutions that benefit individuals and the globe as one, they are trying and make it better. It does not always work out but they go for it anyway and hopefully learn from the mistakes because of course there will be some.
Just think about that the next time you feel alone or you lose faith in people. You may not have someone next to you who you can hold onto or talk to right now but they are there for you.
We are all in this together, a collective consciousness maybe?
Thank you.

Perception or reality scroll down

Reality or perception
How we see things in life can have a big impact on us as individuals and as people across the globe.
This has been the case in wars, the rise and fall of economies, popularity of celebrity or politician etc.
Everyday we are bombarded with news! A lot of it seems to bad news. So we must live in a terrible world that gets worse by the day and its all doom and gloom.
No! actually right now Humans are the least violent we have ever been! The world is not as bad as your lead to believe.
Of course we are made aware of problems from global warming, war, poverty and the energy crisis etc etc. The beautiful thing is there are people sitting in a room somewhere right now working on SOLUTIONS for us HUMANS on a one to one level and on a global scale, solutions that benefit individuals and the globe as one, they are trying and make it better. It does not always work out but they go for it anyway and hopefully learn from the mistakes because of course there will be some.
Just think about that the next time you feel alone or you lose faith in people. You may not have someone next to you who you can hold onto or talk to right now but they are there for you.
We are all in this together, a collective consciousness maybe?
Thank you.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
No Fule shortage and Gas prices are on the decline

Their proud new advert in the latest edition of Wired mag shows of their amazing advances in the technology of fuel economy.
A hybrid that can do from 24 to 32MPG. (oh and so it makes a real impact on the environment it has very limited availability)
To put this in comparison. I had a 2001 2.5 V6 Ford Mondeo that did on average 26MPG 7 or 8 years ago.
Come on Chevy what are you doing in that R&D department?
This was not a Hybrid and the engine size was lager than the new Chevy.
They even use a line in their advert "consider the cost of not getting one" what if you don't buy this car the planet will die? even though its limited availability?
IN addition to this when you check online Auto Express Lists the top 100 from 2007 all are over 32MPG and many are over 40MPG. The list includes all size ranges of cars.
The Toyota PRIUS is the world�s first and bestselling commercial hybrid car. Since its launch in 1997 and has a combined MPG of 65.7.
However a harsh fact still exists they have only just clocked up their Millionth sale. so come on Chevy and all the other companies do a bit more up your game.....and make a real difference.
Chevy hybrid,
Fule shortage,
high gas prices,
Malibu Chevy
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Please give me a sign (getting lost part 2)

If you haven't read part one then scroll down it will make more sense.
So I got lost in Montreal and ended up being subliminally guided back on track by strangers waving there arms. On my way home I ended up stopping next to an Art gallery that caught my eye. As I am looking at the Gallery I the look a head and realize that the UBISOFT offices are on the corner. I start to daydream about how cool it would be to have a gaming studio with staff working in the night on the next creative idea. Which is what I'm trying to get going at the moment. As I'm having this little day dream. An Audi car reverses towards me and stops. I thought he was gonna ask the lost guy for directions. No he just waited there and I glance at the number plate and it says FEVER which is part of the name of our game. It was kind of a sign to remind me not to lose hope and to keep trying everything I could to get this started.
The next day someone invested some money.....hows that for a sign..
casual games,
Entrepenure story,
getting lost,
Are you satisfied with life? A Poem
I can’t get no satisfaction
I can’t get any happiness
And I try, god forgive me I try
The journeys and the people I meet make me sick
The flowers and the trees mean nothing to me
Music why do they bother
And love, fuck me! no please don’t
As there is no lover
Who can give me the satisfaction I need
Pleasure seekers stay in bed
And keep yourself to yourself
as this world sucks!
and there is no hope
Remember appreciate what you have today.
I can’t get any happiness
And I try, god forgive me I try
The journeys and the people I meet make me sick
The flowers and the trees mean nothing to me
Music why do they bother
And love, fuck me! no please don’t
As there is no lover
Who can give me the satisfaction I need
Pleasure seekers stay in bed
And keep yourself to yourself
as this world sucks!
and there is no hope
Remember appreciate what you have today.
Cosmic Ordering, Laws of attraction stories
I Asked a friend if she had any interesting stories or events that have happened.
By Fiona J
To start with I would probably have to say asking for teachers that were going to show me the way to develop my holistic skills & give me the answers to my questions. I have received 4 teachers so far & oh boy were they good teachers. Each one got better as well !!!
The second that I can remember is when I had a quandary with money & work, traveling & having a baby. Just after xmas 2006 I was at a point where I needed something to happen in my life, it needed to be big & significant, because rick hadn't given me a definite yes about traveling.
I was toying with the idea of having a baby! A student of mine had some angel cards & we were messing about with them & I asked for guidance on which way to go. I could only ask for one thing & so I asked that I could have enough money to just pay off my loan so I could save sufficiently to travel or at least save to do something big!
This was in the January. I was totally unaware of cosmic ordering at this point by the way I had no idea it existed.
In the March I went on a college trip & I was sharing a room with another lecturer. See had left her wage slip on the dressing table open & I just happened to notice how much her wage was each month! I knew that I was on a higher band than her & noticed that she was actually getting more than me each month?! We are quite open with each other about stuff like this so I asked her about it. We called finance straight away as we were confused how this could be.
We realized after a conversation with the college finance that I had being paying emergency tax for nearly 3 1/2 years. I then got onto this straight away when I returned home & within 6 weeks I had been re-embursed the money I had been overpaying!!!! That money was exactly the right amount to pay my loan off in full!!!!! It wasn't until probably the September 2007 that I realized what had done this after I watched the DVD The Secret!
Thanks Fiona. Thats a great story.
7 Principles of Cosmic Ordering (from ESO garden)
Anyone can do it, anytime. But to ensure success there are several key principles that are important to the process of Cosmic Ordering. If you want to explore the process of Cosmic Ordering more thoroughly then there are several excellent books on the market. However to get you started, here are 7 key principles of Cosmic Ordering.
1 Decide What You Want
2 Make Your Orders Positive
3 Order In the way that works for YOU
4 Trust the Process.
5 Trust your Inner Wisdom
6 You Deserve It
7 Acknowledge Your Successes
By Fiona J
To start with I would probably have to say asking for teachers that were going to show me the way to develop my holistic skills & give me the answers to my questions. I have received 4 teachers so far & oh boy were they good teachers. Each one got better as well !!!
The second that I can remember is when I had a quandary with money & work, traveling & having a baby. Just after xmas 2006 I was at a point where I needed something to happen in my life, it needed to be big & significant, because rick hadn't given me a definite yes about traveling.
I was toying with the idea of having a baby! A student of mine had some angel cards & we were messing about with them & I asked for guidance on which way to go. I could only ask for one thing & so I asked that I could have enough money to just pay off my loan so I could save sufficiently to travel or at least save to do something big!
This was in the January. I was totally unaware of cosmic ordering at this point by the way I had no idea it existed.
In the March I went on a college trip & I was sharing a room with another lecturer. See had left her wage slip on the dressing table open & I just happened to notice how much her wage was each month! I knew that I was on a higher band than her & noticed that she was actually getting more than me each month?! We are quite open with each other about stuff like this so I asked her about it. We called finance straight away as we were confused how this could be.
We realized after a conversation with the college finance that I had being paying emergency tax for nearly 3 1/2 years. I then got onto this straight away when I returned home & within 6 weeks I had been re-embursed the money I had been overpaying!!!! That money was exactly the right amount to pay my loan off in full!!!!! It wasn't until probably the September 2007 that I realized what had done this after I watched the DVD The Secret!
Thanks Fiona. Thats a great story.
7 Principles of Cosmic Ordering (from ESO garden)
Anyone can do it, anytime. But to ensure success there are several key principles that are important to the process of Cosmic Ordering. If you want to explore the process of Cosmic Ordering more thoroughly then there are several excellent books on the market. However to get you started, here are 7 key principles of Cosmic Ordering.
1 Decide What You Want
2 Make Your Orders Positive
3 Order In the way that works for YOU
4 Trust the Process.
5 Trust your Inner Wisdom
6 You Deserve It
7 Acknowledge Your Successes
comsic ordering,
laws of attraction,
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Law of attraction chakras, auras and out of body stuff.

Saturday the weather is beautiful day. Where do I go? The park to just relax in the sun. Sounds like a good idea. The Park I'm going to is very large and many places to lay down my towel and rest. I pick my spot and lie there in the sun just letting the world pass me by.
As I'm doing this I start to get flashed of inspiration for film ideas so I take out my pen and start writing the words just flow and the ideas are great, one develops a bit more than the other so I work with that and I now have the summary of a great story. One day I will turn this into a film or book or something.
For now though I have my focus. I'm telling you this because last year I never actually believed that I would ever make a film. It was just a fantasy thought that it would be cool. Now though I know anything is possible and I can pretty much do or achieve anything I want to, and you can to.
Ok So I'm laying there and the sound of this voice carries in the wind almost floating around my ears the tone and rhythm is enchanting and I need to listen in to what is being said, the voice was calming and had a strange familiarity to it.
So I make my way up the hill and sit behind the 3 people talking 2 guys and girl and tried my best to listen in. I kept catching different bits of very poetic speech the way they where describing events was quite amazing. Out of body experiences were the topic and I think something to do with light and meditation. Of course this is going to interest me. And what are the chances that I would lay next to a group of people on this subject out of all the park. Ok some people would put a figure on it i.e 3 or 4000-1 but so what. The thing was I could not hear properly and the bench right next to them was occupied by a lady reading a book. I wish she would move.
Then funnily enough the most beautiful butterfly I have ever seen in real life just flew past me in the most graceful manner, its wings were very large it looked like a bird. (remember the story butterfly effect) So like a child or homer Simpson I jumped up and followed it to its resting place. There I found it on a plant next to its partner or friend. I arrived back to my bench only to notice the woman had gone so I slipped on to the bench next to them to listen in.
Wow there stories where amazing. I listened in while the 45 year old man told of how since he was a child he had the power to see energy around people chakras aura or what ever you want to call it. He had also seen souls or life force or people having these out of body experiences. He also told of a time that he had spent a week completley removed from his body, his two flat mates were present all the time and said he was acting strange for the whole week. The 45 year old man finally came back but had no recollection of the week in the apartment what so ever.
It was like he had been in two places at once. I did read a story last year in the NEW SCIENTIST about a Quantum theory saying that it was possible to me in two places at once so its interesting to here first hand stories of something that could be explained by such a theory. Or there could be many other explanations, the fact is you should take what ever positive you can from the story.
We are amazing beings and if you are aware of something called source energy and the law of attraction then you may have read or heard that we are all supposed to be connected to this source energy together. So I want to just quickly tell you about the other story the man told.
He was young and his family had taken him to church one day and the priest(religious speaker not sure of his title)was taking about the sins you commit and trying to scare the life out of people with the fact you will go to hell and all many of things would happen to you. The man went on to say that as the priest was doing this all the colour of his Aura drained right from him to a pale grey, this could be because he was disconnecting him self from the source or that the energy he was giving out was very negative I'm not sure but the it happened through the eyes of this man he saw it.
On that note I did always struggle with the way that some priests, vicars or religious speakers spoke of god as this person who would bring great pain into the lives of people that he created by sending them to HELL or punishing them in other ways. Do you think the all loving god would actually do this kind of thing. The light the truth, would actually give up on any soul.
Thursday, August 14, 2008

I had been riding for 4 hours and i was somewhere I had never been.
Thinking I was going the wrong way I stopped at a junction looked behind me and the first thing I saw was a man pointing right it looked like he was actually giving me directions very odd. Then I turn my head and a woman standing at the corner was holding some bags in one hand and with the other also seemed to be pointing right.
At this point I was actually thinking of going left. But I took the sign and went right good job as it actually put me on track to get home. I then of course did not believe that i was on track and ended up going the wrong way only to be back where I started an hour later. This time I stayed on the road that the two people had guided me onto and was home in 10 mins.
There is also something else that happed on that ride home that I will let you know about in part 2.
So just coincidence or the universe doing some odd stuff?
getting lost,
the matrix
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
God is a DJ

One of my passions is dj'ing but I have not had the chance to play for several years now. I used to play in front of crowds from a few hundred to tens of thousands. Since the beginning of 2008 I decided it would happen again. I would also love to do a double team with my good friend as he has excellent taste in music and a good DJ also. So far this year a couple of opportunities have arisen but I have done nothing just watched them pass as I did not quite feel the vibe with them.
On Sunday I went to Electronic picnic in Montreal it was an excellent event. I attended on my own as my girlfriend has gone to China. So I would either be on my own or mingle and mingle I did. The people I attracted and connected with were great we had lots of fun. One of them a club promoter who said he would be happy to let me DJ and he gave me his e-mail so I have contacted him and lets see what happens. My guess I will be Dj'ing somewhere in the next 6 months. Not just anywhere but a great venue with people who are into house music. (you have to be specific) its important to know what you want.
Electronic picnic,
house music,
laws of attraction,
Carpe Diem Sieze the Day

I have asked a friend of mine to write me with some stories of the laws of attraction and the power of positive thought.
The other day I posted a Rolling stones Song You can't all ways get what you want. So today I check my e-mails and in the many stories that she sent which I will be posting over the next couple of days she wrote this.
By Fiona J
Sometime though you don't always get exactly what you ask for as this might not be what you need. You have to live your life with your eyes & ears open as it could always appear & disappear without you realizing it. Carpe Diem, seize the day, because we don't always know what is best for us!
Just shows you how many of us think similar things or receive similar messages.
carpe diem,
rolling stones,
sieze the day
Friday, August 8, 2008
FREE EDUCATION PLEASE Countries with charges for public primary education

Over 100 countries Don't offer free education at primary level. See a pattern?
Angola Benin Burkina Faso Cameroon Cape Verde Central African Rep. Chad Congo/Brazzaville Congo/Kinshasa Côte d‟Ivoire Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia Gabon Ghana Guinea Guinea-Bissau Liberia Mali Mauritania Mozambique Namibia
Niger Sao Tomé & Principe Senegal Sierra Leone Swaziland Togo Zimbabwe
Governments rolling back charges
Burundi Gambia Kenya Lesotho Madagascar Malawi Nigeria Rwanda South Africa Tanzania Uganda Zambia
The Caribbean
Antigua & Barbuda Belize Grenada Guyana Haiti St Lucia St Vincent Suriname
Trinidad & Tobago
Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Albania Armenia Azerbaijan Belarus Bulgaria Croatia Georgia Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan
Macedonia Moldova Romania Russia Serbia Tajikistan Turkmenistan Ukraine Uzbekistan
Externally funded education
Bosnia & Herzegovina Kosovo
Bhutan Burma/Myanmar Cambodia China Fiji Indonesia Laos Maldives Nepal Pakistan
Papua New Guinea Philippines Singapore Viet Nam
Externally funded education
Timor-Leste Governments rolling back charges Bangladesh India Malaysia Mongolia
Middle East and North Africa
Djibouti Egypt Iran Israel Jordan Lebanon Qatar Sudan Syria Tunisia UA Emirates Yemen
Externally funded education
Afghanistan Iraq Palestinian Territories
Latin America
Bolivia Colombia Ecuador Dominican Republic El Salvador Guatemala Honduras Nicaragua
Panama Paraguay Peru
Free Medicine Free Education

You may ask whats the reason I've been focusing on these items?
I'm trying to launch a business at the moment that will reach millions of people. Part of the business will raise awareness of charities and allows users to take part in a way that has never been done before.
So I was thinking who should I support what are the best ones to go for to start with etc.....then along comes the universe and guides me towards education and health care. So may be thats what I will start with. Of course I will also try and raise the awareness of holistic therapies at the same time.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
21 the movie. Should Education be free?

21 is a movie Staring Kevin Spacey its based on the 2002 nonfiction book (by Ben Mezrich) Bringing Down the House: The Inside Story of Six MIT Students Who Took Vegas for Millions.
Its a good film and worth a watch. All though I thought for people who were that clever...get some better secret signals, not so obvious.
I'm picking this up as it's a similar theme to the free medicine story I mentioned in Hancock and the all heart campaign. In the film the genius student needed $300,000 for his education as a scholarships are very limited.
Would society be better off if students did not need to struggle to pay for their education or is it character building to have to do these things. Does it mean that students who really want it go for it and don't just stay in education because its easy?
May be more students would have more time to excel and develop existing interests while exploring new ones or having life experiences that could lead to great things for them. Instead they are waiting tables or serving drinks in a bar. In the film they explore this with a nice twist.
Should education be free? Its an open discussion comments thoughts please!
(note) without doubt i.e up until 16years old education should be free to every child on the planet no questions.
I am talking about further education, college, university or similar.
How to win the lottery! or not.
The last two posts covered my lottery win and this is my summary on the subject.
If I had played in Canada and not the UK and won $8,000,000 then I would have completely changed my approach on how to reach my personal goals. So I may not meet key people who in the long term will help me or I help them, I would miss out on key partnerships.
More importantly my story would not be as good. Because if I truly believe in everything I'm saying about positive thought and the laws of the universe and perception and reality then who needs the lottery, I have never needed it yet so why now.......
Also I would miss out on the life experience of trying, failing, trying again, failing again, some success, some more success then who knows. Its exciting just going on the journey.
That said you never start a journey in a car and turn back half way, you carry on till you get there, even if there is traffic, bad weather or your car breaks down you keep going. Life is a bit like a car journey don't turn back keep going as you will get there in the end.
SO like the Rolling Stones said If I try I'll get what I need.....and I need that journey its part of the fun.
If I had played in Canada and not the UK and won $8,000,000 then I would have completely changed my approach on how to reach my personal goals. So I may not meet key people who in the long term will help me or I help them, I would miss out on key partnerships.
More importantly my story would not be as good. Because if I truly believe in everything I'm saying about positive thought and the laws of the universe and perception and reality then who needs the lottery, I have never needed it yet so why now.......
Also I would miss out on the life experience of trying, failing, trying again, failing again, some success, some more success then who knows. Its exciting just going on the journey.
That said you never start a journey in a car and turn back half way, you carry on till you get there, even if there is traffic, bad weather or your car breaks down you keep going. Life is a bit like a car journey don't turn back keep going as you will get there in the end.
SO like the Rolling Stones said If I try I'll get what I need.....and I need that journey its part of the fun.
laws of attraction,
life journey,
win cash,
win the lottery
You Can't always get what you want ? Can you
At the end of my last post about the lottery I asked a question? and well, I woke this morning and got my answer! Eureka
So as always the universe does its thing and passes its message to you in the most unexpected ways. But it always does like clockwork. It never fails to do so.
When you change the way you look at things the things you look at change.
Thank you.
So as always the universe does its thing and passes its message to you in the most unexpected ways. But it always does like clockwork. It never fails to do so.
When you change the way you look at things the things you look at change.
Thank you.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
I Won $8,000,000 on the lottery

OK its late at night I'm asleep and REM is doing its thing! that rapid EYE stuff not the BAND.
My dream starts to go from the nonsense & weirdness that I insist on sharing with my girlfriend then next day to clear numbers jumping out at me I can only tell you that this incredible feeling came over me it was all so clear the defining number being 38 as the dream camera zoomed in to this one in cartoon fashion, i think this was to help with the recalling of the numbers. Anyway of course I did not wake up right was not going to be that easy. So i wake in the morning and it hits me in the face the dream i had gave me 6 clear numbers 38 was the anchor.....
Next came 35 so I had 2 and I new that 2 others are for sure in the 40's, and the remaining numbers 1 is in from 1 to 10 and 1 from 20 to 30.
At this time I did not really take anything seriously at all. So I guessed that it was 5 or 7 that seemed right and 21 I was sure of. So I went for 48 and 45 really I should have just done a few combinations to make sure.
5 21 35 38 45 48 my numbers
Now I had just been in Quebec CANADA for 2 weeks and had fell in love with my girl friend and we had cooked up this great plan to get involved in a project we loved and we needed a couple of million dollars to do it. So winning the lottery was sure gonna help. How good would that be?
So I went online an purchased a ticket for the United Kingdom lottery and thought you never know.
SO the draw came up the next day and I went online to check
NOT ONE NUMBER!!!!!! i felt like an idiot the dream felt so real and clear
my curiosity got the better and then a thought! My girlfriend told me that she used to work for the lottery in Quebec so I asked her for the website......I was really not sure if I wanted to look.
Well you know the rest I won 8,000,000 in my sleep but played the wrong lottery.
You have to laugh.......I'm rich in soooo many other ways, but I can see that the universe was trying to help me get where I was going quicker or teach me a lesson not sure yet!
I AM LEGEND The Butterfly Effect

The Butterfly symbolizes change, do we need to change something?
Will Smith was one man trying to fix a problem he believed he could do it.
References to changes medical companies need to make as they rush medicines in without checking side effects or educating people.
If humans were almost extinct would we provide free medicine to the help, at what point when society was back on its feet would we start charging again?
The phrase refers to the idea that a butterfly's wings might create tiny changes in the atmosphere that may ultimately alter the path of a tornado or delay, accelerate or even prevent the occurrence of a tornado in a certain location. The flapping wing represents a small change in the initial condition of the system, which causes a chain of events leading to large-scale alterations of events. Had the butterfly not flapped its wings, the trajectory of the system might have been vastly different. Of course the butterfly cannot literally cause a tornado. The kinetic energy in a tornado is enormously larger than the energy in the turbulence of a butterfly. The kinetic energy of a tornado is ultimately provided by the sun and the butterfly can only influence certain details of weather events in a chaotic manner.
Recurrence, the approximate return of a system towards its initial conditions, together with sensitive dependence on initial conditions are the two main ingredients for chaotic motion. They have the practical consequence of making complex systems, such as the weather, difficult to predict past a certain time range (approximately a week in the case of weather).
In summary small things can make a difference, just decide that you can.
butterfly effect,
Free medicine,
human extinction,
i am legend,
Will Smith
Friday, August 1, 2008
All the lonley people (ART)

There I was having lunch in the park the other day next to a water fall. In the middle of the water feature was a stone. Draped over the stone was a RED blanket. Take a look at the picture. What do you see?
I asked my girl friend she said "it looks like a homeless guy put it there" funny thats what I thought. In a way it was a piece of ART. We often don't notice homeless people. We walk past them and don't even acknowledge them. I'm not saying you have to give, but see the person and acknowledge them. So I'm going to call this ART "the invisible man"
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Batman the Dark Knight hidden message

This weekend was fantastic, I spent it in Montreal with my girlfriend and some friends lazing by the pool and having a barbecue.
The next day we went to see the Dark Knight. What a great film. You know recently I've been pointing out hidden messages or things I notice in films. Well the whole hospital free medicine thing came up again in the film. Here is what I think.
1st the Joker burns all the money owned by the mob. I think the mob is a symbol of any corporate or organization that is money driven and not people driven.
In this case the health care systems or drug companies, and the mob do sell drugs.
Then, not long after, the Joker blows up Gotham hospital.
Further on in the film the corrupt cop blames rising hospital bills of her mum for her corruption.
I then did a bit of looking on the web and many other had various hidden message ideas. I then came across this site that has all sorts of interesting ideas and thoughts.
Who knows where this is going and may be I'm looking for the same things or may be the universe is pushing for a new way of thinking. One that turns the tide of people just looking out for themselves and thinking that we are better because of status or wealth.
RIP Heath Ledger you played an amazing Joker.
Free healthcare,
heath ledger,
hidden messages,
the dark knight
Friday, July 25, 2008
Something to cheer you up (generator the hollloways)
As I was walking down the road today I heard this song.
cheer up,
the holloways
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Happy Birthday (Springsteen impression)

Today is a special day its my girlfriend's birthday. We woke and went for breakfast and champagne on Rene Levesque. When we first met in Amsterdam I asked her how I could win her heart, she sent me a list of simple things which included stuff I was already doing e.g.
Make me laugh - Check
Do an in bar snow angel - Check (yes, I really did!)
Extend a trip to stay with me in Amsterdam - Check
Always find the right words at the right moment - Check
Be romantic in simple things - Check
Make me feel great - Check
Make everything sooo easy - Check
Make me want a be a better person - Check
Help me not being scared all the time - Check
Cross an ocean to kiss me - Coming soon! (and now check because...well...I moved there!)
Do a Springsteen impression and sing me She's the one - Work in progress!
"You are almost there" she said
So yesterday I spent some time working on my gift the "BIG impression". After breakfast I walked her to work and just as we got by this beautiful Church on the hill, It has a bis stone entrance with great acoustics(i need all the help I can get) I dragged her in and sat her down for my performance. (thank god for the Champagne)It was a shaky version and I forgot the words here and there, but SHE LOVED IT.....
2 years ago I never thought I would be capable of feeling this way again, or able to think romantically. After a 10 year relationship and marriage that went wrong which caused so much pain you feel that you lose yourself and your not sure if you can come back. But you can, and you realize that you are not alone and that the sooner you can let go, forgive, stop telling your friends the same sob story etc..and then move on. The better you will be. The reason I'm telling you this is because when I did all those things and started to think about what I wanted in a relationship the universe started to do its magic, and it delivered me into the lead roll of of a love story that started in my mind.
Love story,
Shes the one,
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Albert Einstein

Reality is merely an illusion,albeit a very persistent one."
A book you may find interesting "The 4 agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz
Albert Einstein,
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
"All for one and one for all"
This morning 8:30 after dropping of my girlfriend at work, I ran up through Quebec town and on to the walled city. As a ran along the wall the city seemed really quite, the odd car here and there and not person walking in the center (i think its holiday time), it made me think of the film I am legend and how people take each other for granted. I admired the beautiful view and continued my run, I ended up running past the plains of Abraham the site of the Paul McCartney concert, it was still being dismantled 2 days after the end of the show. As I past the site i noticed the workers busy doing their job and remembered with out the team behind "SIR PAUL" we would not have concert, the lighting, the stage, the sound, the cleaners, the catering and drinks, the security, the planners, the people who thought it would be a good idea in the first place, the transport, i could go on.....point is no one is more important we just want different things. We are in this together, so I walked over to 2 men in hard hats and thanked them for a great show and, it felt odd but I'm glad I did it they thanked me for thinking of them.
Paul Mcartney,
Monday, July 21, 2008
Sir Paul Mcartney in Quebec

Well what a day 300,000 people descended on the plains of Abraham to see an absolute legend. Being from Liverpool and recently moving to Quebec, I thought my chances of seeing a Beatle play live was very slim, When I came to Quebec from Liverpool I remember having various Beatles tracks on my I-POD and in particular listening to Universe quite a lot, The day I meet my girlfriend in Amsterdam I was know as hay Jude by her friends, before I got here I sent my girl friend a music box from Liverpool witch played the song "I wanna hold your hand". In addition to that it seemed like everywhere I went in Quebec they were playing Beatles, restaurants, bars shops etc. Then the announcement of the GIG on the plains on the 20th the Day I was Born. So he did all the favorites Hay Jude, Elinor Rigby, Give peace a chance, Yesterday the list goes on. For me 2 stuck out Give peace a chance (as I have it tattooed on my arm) and Elinor Rigby. The point to all this is I'm on my own personal mission to make a difference and achieve my dreams, so it reminded me that if that PAUL FROM LIVERPOOL CAN DO IT, I CAN TO. Even if its in the smallest ways I'm not gonna give up and neither should you what ever it is. Just keep your eyes open and when you change the way you look at things the things you look at change.
Make a diffrence,
Paul Mcartney,
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Hancock (part 3)

Weired I finished the bit about Hancock and sat down to read,the book "wheres your WOW", right there it jumped out at me! John Hancock is the name of a company for health care/life insurance. And in the film Hancock loses his memory after getting hurt and they ask him for his John Hancock, which is were he got the name, so even the title of the film is a having a pop at the health care system. Its been pointed out in the past the US hospitals can seem to be focused on getting paid(insurance rather than giving care) Whats next Police, fire even military insurance?
Free healthcare,
Free medicine,
Hancock film,
Will Smith
Hancock part 2 (Give it all your heart )
Before i posted the first hancock blog I was looking for an all heart campaign logo for my blog, I googled "hancock all heart"
So what i saw was Herbie Hancock link on you tube.
I like Herbie Hancock so i clicked the link and I was blown away by the lyrics, take time to have a listen or read them. When I heard it I got that shiver thing down my spine. They really fit with what this blog is about.
So what i saw was Herbie Hancock link on you tube.
I like Herbie Hancock so i clicked the link and I was blown away by the lyrics, take time to have a listen or read them. When I heard it I got that shiver thing down my spine. They really fit with what this blog is about.
All heart,
Herbie Hancock,
Hancock (all heart campaign)

Last night I watched Hancock, Yes I enjoyed it. But around all the CGI special effects was a message one that I hope takes hold of you and the world. "THE ALL HEART CAMPAIGN" imagine if this became a reality, think about it. For sure GSK or other big drug companies could actually do this and it would not dent their company, FREE medicine, FREE medicine, FREE treatment, in the places that really need it. They made profits of 7.8 Billion in 2007. While some poor countries go without vital medicines in the long run this shortsighted vision will effect the world on a global scale. (see Guardian link below)
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Light is energy

Light is a funny thing we only see it in the form that we can understand, make sense of. But light is energy. For a while now at key times I get rainbows appearing and they act like a booster for me if I feel down or a reminder to keep believing in what I'm doing at that time, or just a beautiful backdrop to a romantic moment. The point is for a while I have been looking at them in a different way, to positive effect.
Thoughts become reality?
How many times do you suddenly have an idea! Where did it come from? then you do nothing and it goes away…or so you think. Believe me the fact that you thought it means that it became alive it went in to the ether, like an spark of electricity waiting to be switched one, and if others are thinking similar or the same then sure enough you will soon see your idea as a manifestation. There have been many occasions when people have thought about things, created ideas, only to see others bring them to light. My point is it doesn’t matter if you want to do it yourself or not, it’s the fact that thoughts may be enough to start a process and collective thoughts even more powerful.
There are many who believe that if you truly focus on one thing for more than 45 seconds then you have started the potential for it to manifest its self into being.
There are many who believe that if you truly focus on one thing for more than 45 seconds then you have started the potential for it to manifest its self into being.
Collective thoughts,
Friday, July 18, 2008

Ok I've not stepped out the house today and I just took a short moment on the balcony to get some fresh air. I know its superficial but since a young lad I've wanted a Porsche and in those short moments on the balcony the only car to drive down the road was a brand new Porsche. So what I'm trying to achieve each day and for my long term goals will allow freedom and who knows if I will actually do get a Porsche, but I want to have that choice if I so desire. The passing car was symbolic. Thank you for the message
Todays little messages
Ok while writing the blog I will always try and point out the serendipity, or event, message the I get each day. Today I ended up watching a film I don't usually do this on a Friday afternoon as I'm usually working so I picked one from a selection and not only did I love it but the same message came to me again that I got 4 days ago in a book, and the same message showed up 2 days ago while flicking through a magazine. I just stopped randomly on a page and there it was. "Believe"
For me this is important right now as I'm embarking on a huge task to build an amazing company that is going to be very successful and make a difference.
For me this is important right now as I'm embarking on a huge task to build an amazing company that is going to be very successful and make a difference.
Peter Pan

Today I watched "Finding Neverland", fortunately my girl friend had gone out and she missed the inevitable tears of joy and sadness that this film causes. If you haven't seen it, its a story about JM Barrie (creator of Peter Pan) and how he came up with the idea. I have no idea of how true to life the story is or not,(and I don't care) the fact is for me this film highlights several things, its a reminder not to forget our inner child, that life is short, and if you are creative to keep going until you find the environment that allows you to best flourish and grow those talents and dreams, in the film he had the support of the wealthy Theater owner and needed a chance meeting with a family to give him the inspiration that led to the writing of Peter Pan. All too often we fear sharing our early ideas of poems, business ideas, songs, paintings, films, games etc in case people don't like them or we get a bad reaction, well that may happen but somewhere like Barrie you will find the people who will help you grow.
Like in the film life consistently presents itself with opportunities to enable us to make our dreams come true, we just need to open our eyes and bee aware of them.
When you change the way you look at things the things you look at change.
Find your place,
Inner child,
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