Friday, September 19, 2008

Music for the Mind (Damien Rice) Coconut Skins

I have heard this song a few times but this time it came on my ipod while I was running. I was thinking about my efforts to assist the project with the end of I'm gonna achieve my goals within the game industry what do I do after that when I have the success. It was a beautiful day and I was running towards the citadel.

So many things going through my mind all the ifs buts and may be's and then this song came on just as I got towards the bottom of the hill I had so many stairs to run up and then a grass hill to get to the top. Its a place I had never been before but this day I just went there. To me the song reminded me to just get on with it....follow my heart as there is no time like the present you don't want to die and think I did nothing to help. "I didn't even try" that would be sad. So I'm still licking and cooking coconuts and hanging out.

The thing is when I got to the top of the hill the view was truly breathtaking and I really did appreciate it.

Damien performs on Jools Holland

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